I can't believe it's been a whole year since one rainy day in January, I was sat with my laptop (probably eating Smarties) and decided to write a blog. It just seems so obscure to me. I remember my first comment was from Hannah and I couldn't actually believe that anyone read my blog let alone wanted to comment on it.
Since then, I have met so many people from all over the world who share the same passion as me and even inspired others to write! Creating this blog was one of the best decisions I've ever made and I can't believe how much of a difference it has made in my life. To say thank you to all my readers and followers, whether you started reading my blog yesterday or the day I started, I've decided to team up with one of my friends and fellow blogger StormySkypie to host a giveaway. If I could, I'd love to give you all a prize because you all deserve it but I thought this was the next best thing.
Information on the giveaway

- The giveaway includes Lush's new, limited edition soap: Roses all the Way and a Fat Face gift set which includes a body lotion, body spray and phone case.
- The Giveaway is International
- You must be over 18 or have consent from parent/carer to enter this giveaway as we will need to ask for your address to send the prize
- Entries close on 12/02/15 at 6 pm UK time and an announcement date will be confirmed later and picked from a hat.
- To enter all you have to do is comment on this post why you read my blog as well as making sure you're following us both on either Instagram @pink_smarties_ @stormy_skypie or Google+ +Abbie Mclaughlin +Marti Stelling.
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