Friday, 11 August 2017

Thinking About The Future- An Interview with Bailey

Meet Bailey: Bailey is a student living in some village in the middle of nowhere with an unlikely passion for film and editing.

Bailey's Instagram:
I met Bailey almost four years ago and was struck by his ability to broadcast and edit videos soundly. We’ve supported each other over the last few years and I could not be happier to introduce you to him. Bailey works tremendously hard to produce quality content for his YouTube channels and is here today to tell us a little about his views on the future and what it brings.

1) Firstly Bailey, if you don’t mind, tell us a little about yourself. What are your hobbies and interests?

My favourite thing I can do is make movies. The whole process, from the recording to the uploading can never get boring. Apart from that, I
play video games, workout and eat.

2) It’s a common belief that there are three types of people in this world: people who look to the future for happiness, people who look into the past for happiness and people who focus their happiness on the present. Which one would you consider yourself to be?

Id definitely say I live in the now and take happiness from just doing something and getting it done but I do feel it's wrong to regret your past, as that's what got you to where you are today and you should be able to take a level of happiness from it. I can't really say much about getting happiness from the future because apart from with goals and aspirations I don't understand that mindset but happiness from goals happens in the now when you achieve it so my point is now invalid

3) At school we’re always being asked the same question over and over again: ‘what would you like to do when you leave school?’ Do you believe that this is necessary in today’s society? A society where the average amount of jobs held by one person before the age of forty is ten.

Knowing where you want to go is always a positive. If you can define where you want to be then you're halfway to doing it, you'll only have the hardest bit left (which is actually doing it) however not knowing what you want to do can leave you more open to take in suggestions.

       4) Jobs in IT are becoming increasingly popular. Do you think that this will result in the death of traditional jobs like postal workers and solicitors?

Definitely jobs are going to get taken over by robots so the people who once did them get to sit and admire what the world is becoming!

5) At risk of sounding like school, do you have any ideas for what you’d like to do in the future? Do you think that it’s important to have some thoughts on the matter?

I know exactly what I want to do. And it's a bonus to know what you want to do in detail but not knowing isn't a huge downfall because there's always people who'll give their opinions on what they want you to do whatever you want

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions Bailey! 

Thanks for having me! :)

Health and happiness,
Marti xxx


  1. Great post Marti (and Bailey), this one of my favourite posts from you.

    1. Thank you! Interviews are one of my favorite to write! xxx

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  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for your answers! If you're ever interested in doing another feature, just drop a message and I'll be on it xxx

  3. Hi everyone I'm Mrs. ALEKSI TAISIYA, My husband divorced me 2 years ago to live with another woman and i have tried have him back but i could not, so i try to do many things to get him back and he refuse to come back. One faithful Friday morning, I visit a forum for tips on how to get your Ex back and there i saw a lady testifying on how Dr.AKHERE helped her to get her husband back after he was tie down with a spell by another woman. Although I never believed in spiritual work I reluctantly tried him because I was desperate and i contact him and explain my problems to him, to my greatest surprise Dr.AKHERE helped me to bring back my husband after 5days and now my relationship is more perfect just as he promised. Getting your ex back permanently does not only bring back someone you love but it will also reunite your lovers feelings. My husband now treats me like a Queen and always says he loves me all the time. If you are passing through difficulties in your relationship, Doctor AKHERE can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and some other things. I can assure he's highly potent and reliable. Email him for urgent help [ ] or +2349057261346 .

